jueves, 3 de enero de 2008

This is OUR song!

Voy a darle algo a los pobres que vienen a leer en inglés, paciencia.
Lots of times I've heard that line. "This is our song!". Over my life I've matched songs with moments in my life, and more particularly with people. Girls. Girls that I liked, that I was emotionally involved with (those that were mutual or not). Some songs are lyric-related. That is, the lyrics mean something to me about what happened. Some songs not, it just the song in that time.

So let's turn on the fan and start burning people. Cronologically!

Carolina. Around 1985. Hawaiian Twist 2, Viuda e hijas de Roque Enroll.
I had a crush on her for like a couple of years. On 1986 she decided to give me a chance. Too late.
Lorena W. 1986-1988. Carrie, Europe. Another uncorresponded crush. That didn't mean we couldn't dance this song together in every freaking party we were together.
Mercedes. 1988. Llámame si me necesitas, M.M.Zas.
A very sweet friend in need of a shoulder. I AM a paladin, but I couldn't resist the distance. Once my feelings were out, the friendship was lost :(
Flavia. 1989. Muchacha ojos de papel, Spinetta.
Same story. Start of a pattern :P I was hearing this song in the radio one morning when I realized I wanted a bit more than friendship. She didn't.
Sandra. 1989-1990. Don't know much. Linda Rondstadt & Aaron Neville.
First real girlfriend.
Natty. 1990. Adoquines en tu cielo, Rosario, Baglietto.
She was from Rosario, as Baglietto, and this was the only time of my life I liked hearing to Baglietto. This song still reminds me of her. In a couple of months, and without even intending, she was very trascendent in my life. Yeah, I know, I was 17 and all that. Anyway.
Mariela. 1991. (Everything I do) I do it for you, Brian Adams and El 7 de septiembre, Mecano.
It all started as a friendship with mutual interests (specially the same career). It developed in a VERY good friendship, and my modus operandi jumped again. What if...? This time we agreed, and started dating. A couple of weeks later I was deeply in love, but I was the only one :( We tried to recover the friendship, and managed to do it in some way. Some distance was necessary, but when we met again in 1999 (during PT Washington DC) I felt like time hadn't pass and we were friends like 1991. She's back in Argentina, and we should get together more often, but somehow we don't.
Lorena R. 1992-1996. November Rain, Guns n' Roses. On 1992 I was listening much G'nR, and she liked it too very much. The first time I kissed her was in the park in front of the faculty. Right after that, it started to rain hard, a summer (november) rain. It was borderline weird. That marked this song as "our" from the beginning and when we broke up, the line "nothing last forever" was more appropiate.
Sil. 1997-2007. This was huge. We got married. We have a son. We're about to divorce. Several songs have been "our" the past years. Right now, if I had to choose, it's Come What May, from the Moulin Rouge movie.

Ok, there you are. Something more about music and the girls in my life. I hope this is no surprise to any of them ;)
Share your "our song".

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Pero Juan, que poco poder de resumen que tenes, te resumo tuda tu vida amorosa:

Cuantas minas que tengo
Ignacio Copani.

El lunes temprano preparo mi agenda
anoto a la rubia
descarto a la renga
haciendo el balance
del fin de semana
me miro al espejo
y me digo monada...
insaciable, me estoy volviendo
...cuantas minas que tengo...
el martes lo ocupo
del día a la noche
dejando a punto
detalles del coche
le sumo el stereo
botones y cables
y aceito el asiento
como un yate
lo estoy poniendo
...cuantas minas que tengo...
el miércoles miro
novelas 3 horas
y copio galanes
frases matadoras
el jueves atiendo
todos lo llamados
soy un muchacho organizado
yo me siento
...cuantas minas que tengo...
el viernes llega
la hora de la verdad
arrojo tantas líneas
que alguna picara
y si ninguna muerde
el anzuelo... que hay...
total, mañana
no se me van a escapar
...cuantas minas que tengo...
el sábado soy como lobo que ronda
por cines, teatros
boliches de onda
no pasa naranja
y la noche se vuela
entonces me voy con mi novia Manuela
algo es algo
yo me entiendo
...cuantas minas que tengo...
...cuantas minas que tengo...
...cuantas minas que tengo...

Dejemos de mirar el pasado, miremos para adelante y sabé que las minitas que tuviste no existen es decir, es una idea que vos tenes de ellas, que tenias en su momento cuando tenias, no se, 15, 16 años? uno crea ideales de ciertas personas y la gran mayoria de las veces la realidad es otra. algo asi como "hola, te saluda el Yo que existe en Tu mente"

jdelcom dijo...

Son un mala onda, Adri :P
No estoy siempre mirando al pasado, pero saber de dónde vengo sirve para mirar a dónde voy ;)
Toda la gente que escraché acá es un pasado. El futuro está por escribirse.
Compartí TU pasado huevón.

Anónimo dijo...

Me mandaste a mirar tu respuesta en el blog de Fer, y mirá cómo me vengo a enterar de que te abriste un blog! :P

Y si, era esperable que cayeras en la cyberblógica tentación.

By the way, coincido plenamente con el comentario de rain kid.

Walk on, como dice tu amigo Bono. Vas a estar bien.


PD: Y de nada. Fue un placer.

jdelcom dijo...

Firmá, chanta :P

Anónimo dijo...

Perdón. Pensé que estaba logueada.

YO. ;D

jdelcom dijo...

Seguís sin loguearte, el mundo va a tener un problemita para ubicarte, Sil :P